You can add metadata, or additional descriptive information, to your files in your Permanent archive. Files have metadata fields for the name, description, tags, date, and location. You can find this information by tapping the name of the file to open it, then tapping the info icon to the right of the file name. This article will walk you though adding and editing metadata.
The names of your files and folders in your Permanent archive default to the name of the file or folder you uploaded. You can edit the name of a file the Info tab. You can also edit the name of a file or folder by tapping the file or folder action menu to the right of the name of the file in your file list, then tapping Rename.
Each file has a Description field, where you can add descriptive information about that file or folder. To edit the Description field, tap into the Description field in the Info tab. Type in your description, then tap Done. You can go back and edit the Description field by tapping the Description field again.
The Tag metadata field allows you to add tags to files or folders. You can use the same tags across your archive or archives to designate a subject, person, location, or any other information that helps you find and organize your files.
To add a tag, tap the Tags field in the Info tab. A new page will appear where you can view your existing tags in your archive or type in a new tag.
If you would like to add an existing tag to this file, tap the tag. A checkmark will appear next to the tag to indicate that it has been added.
If you would like to add a new tag to the file that doesn't already exist in your archive, tap into the Add New Tag field and type in the tag, then tap Add. The tag will be added below with a checkmark to indicate that it has been added to your file. When you are finished adding tags, click the Done button.
The Date field for files defaults to the date the file was created. For instance, if you took a photograph on June 21st, 2021, the date will default to 2021-06-21 and the time that the photograph was taken. Sometimes, it is helpful to change the date for your file in Permanent because the creation date does not accurately represent the file, or it is incorrect.
To change the date of your file, tap into the Date field in the Info tab. A date selector will appear where you can choose the date and time of the file. When you are finished changing the date and time, tap the done button.

At this time, all dates must have a year, month, date, hour, minute, second, and AM/PM designation. We are working on adding functionality to the Date metadata field so that some of those designations are optional to accommodate files and folders for which dates and times may be unknown or less specific.
The Location metadata field allows you to tag locations for your files and folders using Google Maps. To set a location for a file or folder, tap the "Tap to set location" text under the Location heading in the Info tab.
A new window will appear where you can search for a location or address. Once you have found the correct location, tap Done.
The Location field will now show the location or address you have selected and a map of the location from Google Maps. To edit the location, tap the map and a new page will open where you can edit the location. Make sure to save your changes when you are finished.