You must be a member of the archive and have the correct access role for that archive to add a member to the archive. To check your access role on an archive, navigate into that archive's workspace and look at the left side of the screen. Under the archive name is your access role.
Only owners and managers of an archive have permission to add members to an archive. If you are not an owner or manager of the archive, contact the owner of the archive you are working in.
Navigate to the Archive Members Screen
To navigate to the Archive Members screen, find the archive menu by going to the left side of the screen and clicking the arrow under the archive name. When the menu opens, click Archive Members.
A new widow will appear with three tabs: Members, Pending Members, and Add Member. In this window, you can view and manage the current archive members, see any pending invitations to join the archive, and add additional members to the archive.
Add a Member
To add a member to the archive, click the Add Member tab. A pop up will appear with a field to enter the email address of the person you want to invite to the archive.
If the person you are inviting does not yet have an account on Permanent, you will see a new pop up confirming that you wish to send them an invitation to join Permanent. Enter the recipient's name, then click Invite. The person will receive an email inviting them to join Permanent, and once they create their account, they will be able to join your archive.
View Members of the Archive
You can view all of the members of an archive by clicking the Members tab on the left side of the Archive Members window. Each archive member will have an entry with their name, their email address, and their access role.
If you have the appropriate access role, you can edit other members' access roles, or remove them from the archive. To edit a member's access role, click the Edit button next to their name, then change their access role. Click OK.
To remove someone from the archive, click the Remove button by their name, then click Remove again to confirm the removal. This will remove their access to the archive, and they will no longer be able to view or make changes to the archive.
View Pending Members
You can view pending members of the archive in the Archive Members window by clicking the Pending Members tab. Here, you can see a list of the members who have not yet accepted the invitation to join the archive.
You can remove a pending invitation by clicking the remove button, then clicking the confirmation button that appears.
You can also edit the access level of a pending invitation by clicking Edit. In the window that appears, change the access level, then click OK.