Having trouble logging in or resetting your password?
If you are experiencing difficulty accessing your account on Permanent.org or receiving a password reset email, please try the following troubleshooting steps. If you are still experiencing issues after following these steps, please reach out to us at
Troubleshooting steps
- Please make sure that you are logging in on our website (permanent.org/app/auth/login)
- Is it possible that you changed your login email address? Try any other email addresses you may have registered under.
- Not receiving a password reset email? Please confirm that you are able to log into your email address and access your inbox and that you are able to receive emails (e.g. the inbox is not full and there are no auto responders, etc. set that might interfere with delivery).
- Add Permanent emails to your contacts to improve delivery – support@permanent.org, no-reply@permanent.org, and info@permanent.org
- If you still are not receiving an email, try searching for the subject "Reset Your Password on Permanent.org." You may need to check your spam folder directly.
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