An archive payer is the person who pays for all uploads to a particular archive.
Without an archive payer, Permanent deducts storage from the uploader's total storage. With an archive payer, Permanent deducts storage from the archive payer's total storage. Archive payers help you collaborate on building archives. Archive members do not need to use their own storage to contribute to the archive.
As an example, Tom is the archive payer for the Community Garden Archive. Sue uploads 1GB worth of files to the Community Garden Archive. Permanent deducts 1GB of storage from Tom's storage total.
Assign Yourself as an Archive Payer
You must be an owner or manager of an archive to assign yourself as the archive payer. The steps below outline how to set yourself as the archive payer.
Go to your archive settings by clicking the drop down next to your archive's name. Then click Archive Settings.
A new window will appear. On the left side, click the Archive Settings tab.
There is a toggle to assign yourself as an archive payer. Turn the toggle on to assign yourself as an archive payer. You will see an confirmation pop up. Click "Yes, I'm sure" to confirm.
You will now see a message that you are the archive payer.
To unassign yourself as archive payer, turn the toggle to the "off" position. This does not affect any uploads that have already finished uploading to Permanent. Those files still count towards the archive payer's storage total. Moving forward, Permanent will deduct storage from the uploader's total storage.
View the Archive Payer for an Archive
If you aren't sure who the archive payer is for an archive, you can check in your archive settings. Click the drop down next to the archive name. Then, click Archive Settings. In the new window that appears, click Archive Settings. You can see the archive payer listed on this page if there is an archive payer.
View the Remaining Storage for an Archive with an Archive Payer
To view how much storage is available for the archive, click the drop down next to your archive's name. At the bottom of the drop down is a storage bar for the archive. This bar shows the total amount uploaded for the archive payer's account on the left. On the right, the bar shows the amount of purchased storage. If the total amount uploaded is equal to the amount purchased, then there is no storage left.