Public Archives

Public Archives

Your Public Archive is a gallery of your materials that is publicly available for anyone on the internet to view. Upload, organize, describe, and publish your records and then share your Public Archive URL with friends and family.

Adding, removing, and editing items in your Public Archive

Everything in your Public Workspace is available in your Public Archive. You can add items to your Public Archive by either publishing items from your My Files workspace or uploading files directly to your Public workspace. To unpublish them from your Public Archive, you can either delete them from you Public Workspace or move them into your My Files Workspace

You can access your Public Workspace by clicking Public on the left side menu. 

If you need to edit an item in your Public Archive, you can navigate to your Public Workspace and select the item that you wish to edit. You can use the Info tab on the right side to add and edit metadata and tags about that item. 

Please note that if you have published a file from your My Files Workspace to your Public Workspace, a copy of that item lives in both your My Files Workspace and your Public Workspace. However, any changes you make to either copy will only affect that workspace's file. This way, you can keep some metadata private by editing the copy in your My Files Workspace and make some metadata public by editing the copy in your Public Workspace.

Viewing and sharing your Public Archive

To access your Public Archive, click the drop down menu below the archive name and then click Archive Profile. Here, you can fill out public information about your archive, such as the name of the archive, a biography of the person who the archive is about, and milestones relating to the archive. You can learn more about your Archive Profile in this article.

From here, you can click the Share Profile button to copy the link to your archive's Public Profile. If you click the View on Web button, you will be taken to the archive's Public Profile. On the Public Profile, click View Public Archive to view the Public Archive. 

Alternatively, in your Public Workspace, highlight a file or folder by clicking it once, then click the Get Link button. You can then click View on Web to go to that item in your Public Archive, or copy the link to share the item with friends and family.

Your friends and family don't need to be logged in to Permanent to see this material, since it is published to the internet in your Public Archive.

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