How to Assign a Legacy Contact for Your Account on the Mobile App

How to Assign a Legacy Contact for Your Account on the Mobile App

A Legacy Contact is the person who will reach out on your behalf to to let us know of your death or permanent incapacitation. This will activate the Legacy Plans you have created for the archives you own on You only need to assign one Legacy Contact for your account.

To assign a Legacy Contact for your account, navigate to your account menu by tapping the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen, then tap Legacy Planning.

In the new page that appears, tap "Set up my Account Plan now" to get started. You can also tap "Tell me more about Legacy Planning" to learn more about the legacy planning process.

On the new page, tap "Add Legacy Contact."

Enter the name and email of your Legacy Contact, then tap Save.
Please note that your Legacy Contact does not need to be a member of

You will be taken back to the main Legacy Contact page. Here, you will see your saved Legacy Contact information. If you need to make any edits to your Legacy Contact's information, you can tap the edit button next to their information.

Tap "Go to Legacy Plan" to go to your Legacy Plan and get started with adding archive stewards for the archives you own.

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