Public Gallery (mobile)

Public Gallery (mobile)

The Public Gallery is where you can browse and view Public Archives created by other members.

What is the Public Gallery?

The Public Gallery is the collection of the public archives created by members of These are archives that other Permanent members have created to tell the stories of themselves, their families, their communities, or their organizations. Only material that has been published is available in a Permanent Public Archive. Any other files are still retained privately in your Private Workspace and not included in your Public Archive. Learn more about workspaces in this article.

The Permanent Public Gallery is an important part of our mission to educate and provide historical benefit to the public and future generations.

Where can I find the Public Gallery?

You can access the Permanent Public Gallery at can also navigate to the Public Gallery by tapping the Public Gallery button on the left side of your screen when logged into Permanent.

Using the Public Gallery

In the Public Gallery, you have a few options to view different Public Archives. You can browse the Public Archives that you are a part of at the top of the Gallery.

You can browse the available featured archives in the Popular Archives section of the gallery.

You can also use the search bar to search for the title of a particular archive. Searching by archive name is currently the only way to search for a Public Archive. We hope to improve the search feature in the Public Gallery to search other metadata fields in the future.

How can I contribute to the Public Gallery?

You can contribute to the Public Gallery by creating a Public Archive. Your Public Archive is added to the Public Gallery when you publish a file for the first time. Learn more about how to publish files to your Public Archive in this support article.

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